Happy Independence Day

We got back from the North Fork of Long Island on Monday. The weekend was lovely and we joined hands for Hands Across the Sand at a small, local beach. There were about 2 dozen of us. I haven’t checked the website since Saturday to see photos from other beaches. I didn’t get photos because, well, my hands were linked and I couldn’t push the button. Sigh.

This weekend we are going up to Rhode Island to see good friends of ours. Last year I was an elderberry maniac and we had to pull the car over to pick elderflowers. I think the season has passed, but I’m going to keep my eyes open. I made french toast dipped into the flowers and then fried them up.

I’m also going to keep my eyes peeled for milkweed florets. Stephanie at PureAndStrangeAsWhatISee sauteed the florets in butter and likens them to asparagus or artichokes. Yum!

No better way to celebrate your independence than by foraging for some food from the wild! Oh, and going to a polo match. Hope you have a great weekend.