Feeling Patriotic this July 4th weekend

This weekend we visited friends in Rhode Island. I just did my photo school foible #2 and forgot to pack my camera. Don’t ask me how, but I did. I relied on my friend Jim’s camera and will post some photos once I get the photos from him.

So the photo above isn’t one of mine. When we were driving home in the hellacious traffic that is I-95, we decided to try an alternative route. We turned onto Route 1 and worked our way down towards New Haven. At one point we drove past a little inlet and saw an osprey nest on a platform. And then on a giant telephone-sized perch next to it was a bald eagle. It was pretty unmistakable with its white head. I had never seen an adult one before. I had seen an immature bald eagle (they don’t have the white feathers on their heads when they are young) in Cooperstown, NY many years ago, but it was pretty far away. Somehow this sighting on July  5th felt like an appropriate way to finish Independence weekend.

2 thoughts on “Feeling Patriotic this July 4th weekend

  1. Thrilling, isn’t it?

    I think some sightings fall into the “yeah, that huge hawk-looking bird is supposed to have been a bald eagle” category, and some are more exciting.

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