Tired, hot, but happy

I mentioned in my last post that gardening in the full sun during July has been a challenge. I have been working out what to wear to give protection from the sun and branches, while being as lightweight and breathable as possible. I am also trying to figure out how to still look like me with tools clipped to my waist and a hat on my head. It’s been a work in progress and not all days are winners. IMG_1830This photo is from my first day wearing my tools, which pulled my pants down just enough to get this lovely sunburn.

IMG_1822I am not a big “sweater”, but rather turn an alarming shade of magenta. With things being as hot as they are, I both turn red AND sweat. That, combined with the dirt on me makes me look deranged. Would I trade what I’m doing to sit at an air conditioned desk? NO WAY!

One thought on “Tired, hot, but happy

  1. Oh, those weirdly placed strip burns in unexpected spots hurt the worse! But yes, I agree, gardening is the most soul-satisfying way to make a mess out of yourself 🙂

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