August Garden

What’s been growing in my urban garden?


This squash plant grew from homemade compost. I had no idea what kind of squash would grow, and for most of the summer, nothing did.IMG_4315

I just noticed that there are some small squash starting to grow. These look like one of the more exotic ones that came in our CSA. Looking forward to trying them.IMG_4316

Not sure why tomatoes are deciding to grow in my garden this year, but I’m definitely not complaining. The big striped ones are green zebras, which is a lovely heirloom variety. They are tart and unsettling because of their color. We have a variety of cherries that mostly grew from compost. Unfortunately we ate all our white currant tomatoes before I took a photo of them.IMG_4317

Our purple Joe Pye weed is flowering. This is one of the native plants I got from Project Native. Something is happily eating away at the leaves. I know most people don’t like to have their plants eaten, but that is part of the point of planting native varieties. I’ve given something a food source. I keep checking for caterpillars, eggs or cocoons, but haven’t seen any yet.IMG_4318And this crazy looking thing is a mushroom growing out of the mulch by my chickens. It’s a type called a stinkhorn. They attract all kinds of insects. You can see many sitting on the top of the one in the foreground.

What’s growing in your garden?