High Fructose Corn Syrup Ad Campaign

When I was a kid I loved to stay up late and watch Saturday Night Live. I was usually pretty tired because it was way past my bedtime. It was always a bit unsettling when I was watching what I thought was a real commercial only to realize it was a spoof that was part of the show. That is how I felt the other night when I was watching tv and there was a pro-high-fructose corn syrup (hfcs) commercial. Unfortunately Neil wasn’t home, so I didn’t have anyone to turn to and scream, “Did you just see that??”

The video above is one of the commercials the Corn Refiners Association is running on tv. They have spent 30 million dollars launching this pro-HFCS campaign.

I find the commercials disturbing because of course they appeal to morons, who haven’t read anything about food in the past 20 years. But I also think it’s a good sign that the corn refiners must be getting hit  with bad press. Otherwise they would never have coughed up $30 million.

Just in case you are like the woman in the video and can’t think of reasons why HF Corn Syrup is bad, click here for 4 very good reasons to avoid it.