The Golden Egg

Looks as though Edie laid an egg!!! I went out to the coop to check for eggs and there was a blue egg inside. For some reason (maybe the pain of the last week) I am having a hard time believing it’s really her egg. Rationally I know it is because each of my hens lays a different colored egg. Lulu lays sage green eggs, Andie lays white eggs and Edie lays light blue ones.

The timing is perfect because we were going up to the Berkshires for the long weekend. Our neighbor is on chicken duty and is graciously reporting what colored eggs he finds each day.

I am so happy that Edie got this egg out of her. I didn’t take a photo before I left, but I’ll post one when I get back. It looks really normal, which is probably another reason I can’t fully believe it’s her egg.

Anyhow, I feel like popping a cork off something to celebrate the uncorking of my hen.

4 thoughts on “The Golden Egg

  1. I’ve appreciated your education and updates on Edie’s being egg-bound.

    What a relief!

    Have a great holiday weekend! 🙂

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