Satisfaction of homemade

Baby Bell Bottoms



I get a lot of satisfaction out of making things. I enjoy cooking, baking, knitting, spinning and beginner sewing among other things. It always seems to shock people who don’t know me well when I say that I’ve made an article of clothing or a cake. It gives me great satisfaction to complete something special for myself or a friend to wear. When I found out that friends of ours are having a baby it gave the the opportunity to make these insanely cute bell bottoms. If there are any knitters, the pattern can be found here.

The shirt took me some time to finish. I took a sewing class almost two years ago. Somehow in the spring, my creative urges shift from knitting to sewing. I’m not a very advanced seamstress, so I took a class at Brooklyn General, which is a lovely knitting and sewing store here in Brooklyn. There was only one other student in my class and the teacher was great, so I was able to make a skirt, a dress and most of a shirt. For whatever reason I set the shirt down and it lay forgotten until about a week ago. Then there were two women in my daughter’s preschool who started sewing great kids clothes. Their creations inspired me to dust off my sewing machine and finish up a few projects. Thanks Tara and Melissa!

The shirt fits me well and I’m very happy with it. It looks more wrinkly in the photo than in real life. Nothing beats the satisfaction of making something useful and pretty.