Snow and more snow


This is the view into my little back garden. Quite a bit different than the banner photo on my blog. You can see the coop absolutely buried in snow in the background. The poor hens have barely seen the light of day in the last few weeks. Actually we haven’t let them into the larger run since a heavy rain took down the netting covering it. And yet they are starting to give us an egg here and there.

NYC public schools are open today. It makes me laugh to think of how readily our school system in Maryland closed when I was a kid. Being so close to DC, we often had diplomat’s children at our school. I remember one girl asking my friend how you found out if school was closed. My friend told her that if you put your thumb into the snow and it covered your fingernail, then school would be closed. Maybe not the most helpful answer, but it was pretty accurate. I guess New Yorkers are tougher because Lindsay had to trudge off to school on what should really be a sledding day.

I was joking with Lindsay yesterday as we were walking in the cold. I said that on the first few days of spring, New Yorkers are going to be euphoric. I said that we might see people spontaneously burst into song and start dancing with one another in the streets. It’s kind of a nice image don’t you think?